Association of European Conjuncture Institutes
Working Groups
The AIECE has set up working groups to facilitate exchange and discussion on specific issues. The Working Group on Longer-term Issues and Structural Change is meeting regularly in the context of the General Meeting providing a forum for presentation and discussion of work of member institutes on issues beyond the short-term economic outlook. The Economic Tools Workshop provides a forum to discuss methodological issues related to the work of AIECE institutes. Working groups on World Trade and Commodity Prices have met separately and produced reports in previous years, but are currently inactive.
WG on Commodity prices:
- Commodity Prices : Recent Developments - The Early-2020's shocks are behind us, V. Kaitila, ETLA, Helsinki
WG on External environment:
- The External Environment, A. Drygalla, A. Lindner, IWH, Halle
Medium Term:
WG on World trade:
- Trade Outlook, G. Meijerink, CPB, The Hague
Econonomic Tools Workshop
- Tracking Short-Term Economic Activity in the United Kingdom, A. Kaya, NIESR, London
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- DSA with and without Crises : Insights from a Simplistic Simulation Exercise, J. Boysen-Hogrefe, IFW, Kiel
- Euro Area Outlook and Monetary Policy, A. Ventula Veghazy, ECB,Frankfurt
- The Draghi Report and European Business Priorities for the Next Political Cycle, L. Vinhas de Souza, BusinessEurope
- European Economic Forecast, L. Badone, EC
WG on Commodity prices:
- Commodity Prices: Recent Developments, Kaitila, V., ETLA, Helsinki
WG on External environment:
Medium Term:
WG on World trade:
- Trade Slowdown and Fragmentation Risks, Meijerink, G., CPB, The Hague
Econonomic Tools Workshop
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- Decomposition of the Inflation in the Eurozone and The Netherlands, Soederhuizen, B.; Bettendorf, L.; Meijerink, G., CPB, The Hague
WG on Commodity prices:
- Commodity Prices : Recent Development, Ville Kaitilia, ETLA, Helsinki
WG on External environment:
- UK and Global Economic Outlook, Kemar Whyte, NIESR, London
Medium Term:
WG on World trade:
- World Trade Outlook, Bram Hendriks, CPB, The Hague
Econonomic Tools Workshop
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- Austrian Industrial Production in a Country Comparison, Marcus Scheiblecker, WIFO, Vienna;
- Deindustrialization - An European Assesment, Michael Grömling, IW, Köln;
- GDP, Energy and CO2: In the World Economy, in Europe and in Different Sectors, Ulrich Stolzenburg, IFW, Kiel;
- How hard to beat a mean: Does an Individual Forecaster Stand a Chance against the market? Martin Klucznik, Polish Economic Institute
- European Economic Forecast, Susanne Hoffmann, European Commission, Brussels,
WG on Commodity prices:
WG on External environment:
- Global Environment, G. Meijerink, CPB, The Hague
Medium Term:
WG on World trade:
- Trade Outlook, G. Meijerink, CPB, The Hague
Econonomic Tools Workshop
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- Green Inflation and Great Volatility - Challenges to Green Transition, J. Rybacki, M. Klucznik, A. Juszczack, Polish Economic Institute, Warsaw
- The Effect of Rising Prices on Dutch Households : A Microsimulation Study, M. Vlekke, CPB, The Hague
- The Economic Forecast for Europe, O. Dieckmann, EC,DG ECFIN, Brussels
- Italy's Outlook, S. Tomasini, Prometeia, Bologna
- France Economic Outlook: A Lasting Microclimate, C-H. Colombier, Rexecode, Paris
WG on Commodity prices:
- Commodity Prices: Special Focus on Oil, M. Lehmus, ETLA, Helsinki
WG on External environment:
- The External Environment, L. Vincenzi, Prometeia, Bologna
Medium Term:
WG on World trade:
World Trade, G. Meijerink, CPB, The Hague
Econonomic Tools Workshop
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- Global Value Chains - Introduction to Current Issues, K-J Gern, IfW, Kiel
- Closer and Greener ? Firm's GVC participation and sustainability, F. Ole Semrau, IfW, Kiel
- Global Value Chains - Challenges and Prospects from a German Perspective, M. Grômling, IW, Köln
- Kiel Trade Indicators, V. Stamer, IfW, Kiel
- Polish Economy: Growth Stable, Social Tension and Inflation Worrisome, J. Rybacki, M. Klucznik, Polish Economic Institute, Warsaw
WG on Commodity prices:
WG on External environment:
Econonomic Tools Workshop:
- The Nowcasting Lab: A Tool for Short-Term Projections of GDP, H. Mikoschn KOF, Zurich
Medium Term:
WG on Longer-term Issues:
WG on World trade
- From Recovery to Expansion, Amid Headwinds, K. Orsini, EC, DG, ECFIN, Brussels
- Outlook for the German Economy in the Context of a New Government being formed, S. Kooths, IfW Kiel
WG on Commodity prices:
WG on External environment:
Econonomic Tools Workshop:
Medium Term:
The impact of Covid-19 on the Medium-term Outlook - Views form AIECE institutes, K-J Gern, IfW Kiel
WG on Longer-term Issues:
WG on World trade
- The European Commission's Spring 2021 Economic Forecast, O. Dieckmann, EC, DG, ECFIN, Brussels
- The Economic Scenario When Vaccines, Policies and the Pandemic Management Make the Difference, S. Tomasini, Prometeia, Bologna
WG on Commodity prices:
- Commodity Prices: Oil Price Development, M. Lehmu, ETLA, Helsinki
WG on External environment:
- The External Environment, G. Dany-Knedlik, DIW, Berlin
Econonomic Tools Workshop:
- Nowcasting Techniques, A. Caruso, Confindustria, Rome
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- China - Views from the European Commission, R. Hruzova, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- China: Opportunity, Challenge, Threat, K.-J. Gern, IFW, Kiel
- Job Churn - Productivity and Pay in Flux, K. Massey Heide
WG on World trade
- World Trade, G. Meijerink, CPB, The Hague
- The Economic Forecast for Europe, O. Dieckman, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- Prospects for the UK Economy, A. Kara, NIESR, London
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- The European Economy in the Medium Term (Medium-term Report 2019). V. Kaitila and M. Lehmus, ETLA, Helsinki
- The European Economy in the Medium Term (Presentation). V. Kaitila and M. Lehmus, ETLA, Helsinki
- Economic assessment of the Dutch climate-change package. W. Suyker, CPB, The Hague
- Reading Group Introduction to Discussion. M. Groemling, IWKöln, Cologne.
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- Globalization and Economic Growth: Accounting for Non-linearities. G. Kolev, IW Koeln
- Sources of Growth - Production Functions of European Automotive Industry: A micro Approach. P. Vakhal, KOPINT-TÁRKI
- Brexit: Some Implication for Ireland. K. McQuinn, ESRI, Dublin
- Prospects for the UK Economy. A. Hantzsche, A. Kara and G. Young, NIESR, London
Economic Tools Workshop:
- NIESR GDP Tracker. A. Kara, NIESR, London
- Survey based measures of supply pressure and potential output. A. Lagouge, INSEE, Paris
World Trade
- World Trade Outlook 2019, G. Meijerink, CPB, Den Haag
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- Productivity Puzzle in Germany, K. - J. Gern, IFW
- Consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod
- tempor invidunt ut labore et
WG on Longer-term Issues:
- Labour Supply and the business cycles: Lessons from labour market flows and international forecasting practices, A. Zeilstra and K. Boxhoorn, CPB
- The World Economic Environment. World Economy in Full Swing, K-J. Gern, IFW
- Effects of Selected Economy Policy. Measures on the German Current Account Balance, K-J. Gern, IFW
Economic Tools Workshop:
- Consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod
- tempor invidunt ut labore et
AIECE - Association Of European Conjuncture Institutes
AIECE Contact
Association of
European Conjuncture Institutes
Tel: 32-10-47 41 43 or 32-10-47 34 26
Fax: 32-10-47.39.45
Informations & Quicklinks
"The AIECE is an association of independent economic research institutes set up in 1957 to facilitate exchange on the economic outlook and economic policies in Europe. In 2019 the Association groups 40 members or observing institutes, representing 19 countries and 5 international organizations." » read more