Association of European Conjuncture Institutes
Spring Meeting:
- A brief look at some recent trends in German foreign trade, A Drygalla, A. Lindner, IWH, Halle
- Euro area outlook and monetary policy, F. Holm-Hadulla, ECB, Frankfurt
- European Economic Forecast, A. Zeana, European Commission, Brussels
- The Spanish Economy: a note, C. Llano Verduras, CEPREDE, Madrid
- Euro Area Outlook and Monetary Policy, A. Ventula Veghazy, ECB,Frankfurt
- The Draghi Report and European Business Priorities for the Next Political Cycle, L. Vinhas de Souza, BusinessEurope
- European Economic Forecast, L. Badone, EC
Spring Meeting:
- European Economic Forecast, Susanne Hoffmann, European Commission, Brussels,
Spring Meeting:
- Polish Economy: Growth Stable, Social Tension and Inflation Worrisome, Jakub Rybacki, Marcin Klucznik, Polish Economic Institute, Warsaw
- The Economic Forecast for Europe, O. Dieckmann, EC, DG ECFIN
- The Economic Forecast for Europe, O. Dickmann, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- Italy's Outlook, S. Tomasini, Prometeia, Bologna
- France Economic Outlook: A Lasting Microclimate, C-H. Colombier, Rexecode, Paris
Spring Meeting:
- ECFIN's Winter 2021 Interim Forecast, O. Dieckmann, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- Lasting Economic Damage from the Pandemic, A. Elbourne, CPB, The Hague
- The European Commission's Spring 2021 Economic Forecast, O. Dieckmann, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- The Economic Scenario: When Vaccines, Policies and the Pandemic Management Make the Difference, S. Tomasini, Prometeia, Bologna
- From Recovery to Expansion, Amid Headwinds, K. Orsini, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- Outlook for the German Economy in the Context of a new government being formed, S. Kooths, IFW, Kiel
Autumn Meeting::
Autumn Meeting::
- The Economic Forecast for Europe, O. Dieckman, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- Prospects for the UK Economy, A. Kara, NIESR, London
Autumn Meeting::
- NIESR GDP Tracker. A. Kara, NIESR, London
Autumn Meeting::
No documents.
Autumn Meeting:
No documents
AIECE - Association Of European Conjuncture Institutes
AIECE Contact
Association of
European Conjuncture Institutes
Tel: 32-10-47 41 43 or 32-10-47 34 26
Fax: 32-10-47.39.45
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"The AIECE is an association of independent economic research institutes set up in 1957 to facilitate exchange on the economic outlook and economic policies in Europe. In 2019 the Association groups 40 members or observing institutes, representing 19 countries and 5 international organizations." » read more