Association of European Conjuncture Institutes
WG on Longer-term Prospects and Structural Change
Autumn Meeting:
- DSA with and without Crises : Insights from a Simplistic Simulation Exercise, J. Boysen-Hogrefe, IFW, Kiel
Spring Meeting:
- Austrian Industrial Production in a Country Comparison, Marcus Scheiblecker, WIFO, Vienna;
- Deindustrialization - An European Assessment, Micheal Grömling, IW, Köln;
- GDP, Energy and CO2 : In the World Economy, in Europe and in Different Sectors, Ulrich Stolzenburg, IFW Kiel;
- How Hard to Beat a mean: Does an Individual Forecaster Stand a Chance against the Market?, Marcin Klucznik, Polish Economic Institute
Autumn Meeting:
- Decomposition of the Inflation in the Eurozone and in The Netherlands, Soederhuizen, B.; Bettendorf, L., Meijerink, G., CPB, The Hague
Spring Meeting:
- Global Value Chains - Introduction to Current Issues, Klaus-Jürguen Gern, IfW, Kiel
- Closer and Greener ? Firm's GVC participation and sustainability, Finn Ole Semrau, IfW, Kiel
- Global Value Chains - Callenges and Prospects from a German Perspective, Michael Grömling, IW, Köln
- Kiel Trade Indicator, Vincent Stamer, IfW, Kiel
Autumn Meeting:
- Green Inflation and Great Volatility - Challenges to Green Transition, J. Rybacki, M. Klucznik, A. Juszczak, Polish Economic Institute, Warsaw
- The Effects of Rising Prices on Dutch Households: A Microsimulation Study, M. Vlekke, CPB, The Hague
Spring Meeting:
Autumn Meeting:
Spring Meeting:
Autumn Meeting:
Spring Meeting:
- Economic Assessment of Dutch Climate-Change Package. W. Suyker, CPB, The Hague
Autumn Meeting:
- China - Views from the European Commission, R. Hruzova, EC, DG ECFIN, Brussels
- China: Opportunity, Challenge, Threat, K.-J. Gern, IFW, Kiel
- Job Churn - Productivity and Pay in Flux, K. Massey Heide, Statistics Norway
Spring Meeting:
- Asymmetries in the monetary transmission mechanism in Poland. Does it work equally in all phases in the business cycle. J. Przystupa, IBRKK and National Bank of Poland, Warszaw
- Financial variables and the real economy: Evidence using a procedure of Simultaneous Structural Model Design. R. Hammersland, Statistics Norway, Oslo
- Productivity Puzzle in Germany? K.-J. Gern, IfW, Kiel.
Autumn Meeting:
- Globalization and Economic Growth: Accounting for Non-linearities. G. Kolev, IW Koeln
- Brexit: Some Implication for Irealand. K. McQuinn, ESRI
- Prospects for the UK Economy. A. Hantzsche, A. Kara and G. Young, NIESR
- Sources of Growth - Production Functions of European Automotive Industry: A micro Approach. P. Vakhal, KOPINT-TÁRKI
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"The AIECE is an association of independent economic research institutes set up in 1957 to facilitate exchange on the economic outlook and economic policies in Europe. In 2019 the Association groups 40 members or observing institutes, representing 19 countries and 5 international organizations." » read more